You can now search for unclaimed monies

related to tax refunds, monies due to pawners, creditors of insolvent estates and beneficiaries of estates of deceased persons here.

About Us

This register publishes unclaimed amounts with Singapore Public Sector agencies including Ministries, Organs of State and Statutory Boards. The public sector agencies holding on to these monies would very much like to return the monies to the rightful owners, but have not always been able to do so because they could not contact the owners despite repeated attempts to do so.

The public sector agencies have already made reasonable efforts to refund the unclaimed monies. These efforts include sending reminder letters and checking with the relevant authorities for the official addresses of individuals or companies.

If you have documentary proof that you are the rightful owner of the monies published, please approach the contact persons in the respective agencies.

Make a claim

Step Two: Click
Step 2: Click

Click on "Make a claim"

Step Three: Submit
Step 3: Submit

Send your request to claim

Contact officer(s)


You selected the option to "Make a Claim"

If the system did not open a pre-filled email for you to "Make a Claim", click here.
1. Click here to copy the content for your unclaimed monies record.

2. Open a new email message in your email application, e.g. Outlook.

3. Paste the content that was previously copied in step 1, into the body section of your new email message.

4. Indicate the email subject as: "Please process my claim".

5. Indicate the recipient(s) as:

6. You may close this message once you have sent the email to make a claim.